Life Is Nothing but the Next Destination

life is a destination

People have defined their lives this way these days wherein taking a loan, buying a house, and paying EMI is the way of living a life. They live in an illusion that it’s a great achievement. People have begun celebrating mediocrity. 

You have your age by your side – choose wisely how you want to spend your life. Go around the world and enjoy it. Take risks! If you fail, value that experience. However, if you succeed, enjoy it. Live life, king size! 


Myriad Journeys, Manifold travelers

Each traveler is obliged to their road and each traveler is haunted by the charm of a co-traveler. Myriad journeys haunted by a select few! 

Silence in the journey of your life defeats your desire to speak a hundred words. Wherein the Man proposes, and God disposes. 

There is a life beyond rights and wrongs, blacks and whites, it’s just a matter of perception that we have towards life. 

Even if you’re unsure of what you want, you must be clear in what you don’t want. The desire we have today might not be something that we want tomorrow. 

There are moments in our lives when what’s happening is too intense to deal with at that time. Sometimes it’s best to leave it unspoken and enjoy the moment instead. 

There are times we don’t even know what awaits us! When going through a broken relationship, we question ourselves, will I ever fall in love again? Instead, put a bandage on such marks and keep rolling.

In this search of wants and desires, new relationships take birth. In our attempt to understand ourselves better, all our choices and the encounters we make in our life is nothing but the next destination. Life is an erratic journey wherein the good experiences are like those drops of rain that arrive when least expected.

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Vithika Moghe

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Wed Oct 7 , 2020
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