When you are on your journey to achieve your desired body, shape, and size, you do make sacrifices. Depending on your specific goal, you cut on your diet, minimize your sugar intake, move away from all the junk food out there, and eat clean for a whole week. Then a time comes when your body sends you a signal to cheat on your diet and grab some cheat meals just for a break.
A strict diet does help you a lot in achieving your goal, but you can’t go on with it forever, nor it is something that your body always craves for. When you eat clean and healthy to stay fresh, active, and energetic for an entire week or two, you reward yourself by eating something off the healthy rail that you want to eat.
While it depends on the individual as some people on their diet do not cheat at all and on the other hand, cheating once a week is a vital part of some people’s workout routine. Cheat Meal once a week has been scientifically proven to be a method of giving a boost to your metabolism as well as warding off any feelings of deprivation.
This eventually improves the ability of your body to lose weight along with persistence to stay glued to your strict diet plan. Talking scientifically, these meals increases the levels of leptins in your body. Lepine hormone is in charge of sending messages related to hunger in your brain.
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How Cheat Meals helps you go along with your diet plan
Nowadays, hashtags like #fitness, #fitnessmotivation trends on Twitter, as a result of which, people follow these tags and in the quest of carving a perfect body, and end up setting an unrealistic diet plan for themselves.
Well actually, cheating on your diet once in a while plays tricks with your mind and makes it think that there is plenty of food and that it is completely fine to burn some of the extra calories. They are in charge of resettling hormones that regulate our metabolism and levels of insulin and refill our glycogen storage for enhanced energy.
It does involve planning; consider a time when you crave a burger, or any other fatty food on an occasion, you can surely fit in your caloric intakes that day. This gives you the reason to work even harder in the coming week, a kind of extra incentive to fuel you.
Along with the satisfaction of your cravings, it also relieves your psychological tensions, providing you with the feeling that your life is not meant to eat the same food on repeat. However, it does not mean that it, in any case, should turn into a cheat week, as there are no advantages to it. Also, cheat meals don’t involve overeating, and it is not justified as it can influence your overall progress greatly.
How to move ahead with a cheat weekend
You may avoid this at first, but you do realize that some people go through a guilt phase after having their cheat meals. That’s not good for your body as you should be feeling pleased after having what you desired, and this leads to stress, which eventually slows down your metabolism.
When you are on a diet, your body is not used to so many calories in a day, and the water intake on regular days is sufficient for them to get digested. So after your high-calorie intake, do make sure that you drink enough water to balance out.
Another worst thing that people do is to check their weight frequently after taking more than regular calories. You ate well through the weekend and now you are expecting the weighing machine to not go beyond your last check. It is advised not to check your weight for at least 2-3 days until you get back on your track.
If you do your workout right and take care of your diet, you’ll already be making progress after this high-calorie period. Always remember, restrictions should be there, but they should not be confused with an ideal diet. An ideal diet is all about making healthy choices and not restricting yourself to them.
Studies show that as long as you are doing justice to your workout, and its intensity, and are following your advised diet almost 90% of the time, then at times, you can give your body and mind a short break.
After a heavy and intense workout training week, you deserve a hot chocolate shake or a chocolate brownie, or maybe both, you have earned it; Afterall, life is not just doing your workout, skipping meals to get the desired shape, cutting on your diet for a chiseled body, and end up starving for what you want the most at that particular point of time.
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