The Real Meaning of Beauty and Wellness

beauty and wellness

The real definition of beauty is not a pretty face but a state of positive energy forms within your body and mind that can visibly be seen on your face. Similarly, the concept of wellness is pretty different from the way we perceive it. Wellness is not about having an excess of wealth but a healthy mind that can find comfort in every place. 

Most of the time beauty and wellness are said together because they complement the definition of each other. Beauty can only be obtained when your mind is comfortable with all the circumstances around you, but first of all, it has to be comfortable with the skin and body you have. Unless you are not comfortable with yourself your beauty will no longer be your companion. Similarly, you can’t achieve wellness with just a pretty face. Wellness can only be achieved with the positive energy you have built inside yourself.

You can’t artificially make yourself beautiful because that is the job of the creator but you can enhance your beauty with the way you want, be it makeup, strict skin care regimes, surgeries but most importantly, if you have not merged the two beautiful concepts together that is beauty and wellness then nothing is going to work.  Sometimes defining beauty is difficult, because beauty is, as the old saying goes, in the eyes of the beholder. What is beautiful to us may be ugly to another. To regard something as beautiful, it must meet our own definition and concept of beauty. The fact that beauty is an individual concept is understood clearly by all.

Keeping yourself healthy and maintaining a positive state of mind will help you to achieve the power of seeing everything and everyone with beautiful eyes. The more you’ll start seeing the world beautifully the more you’ll start gaining confidence in yourself. And always to remember that confidence is the key to achieve real beauty. 

After understanding the deep-driven roots of beauty and wellness, it would be far easier for you to understand your body and soul than before. Once you get to know about your inner self you’ll easily decide what your skin and body need. Taking good care of your appearance is equivalent to worship. Worshipping your body will lead your life towards peace. In an era full of pollution and pesticides, our body needs special care and attention. When you start taking care of your body and skin then in return they will also pay you back in the form of beauty which we all want. 

Investing in good food, health supplements, skincare products, and treatments are the best things we can do for our skin and body. Beauty and wellness are not only restricted to women but men should also take care of their inner and outer beauty. After all, the main purpose of life is to stay peaceful and happy. 

There are a lot of people who criticize wearing makeup, whereas, there are many people who love to wear makeup. It is a myth that makeup makes you artificial but makeup makes you enhanced. We decorate our house to make it look more appealing and in the same way, people wear makeup to enhance the original beauty they have and to look more appealing.

For most women, it is a sense of confidence for them, which is absolutely great. Who does not want to be high on confidence? Like skincare and bodycare is not only restricted to women, Makeup is also not only for women. Men these days are promoting men’s makeup which in result promotes gender equality in the world.

Be yourself, and be your kind of beautiful. Let the world see your outer beauty through your inner beauty.  

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Shreshtha Mukherjee

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