3 Things to know before learning the violin


Learning a new skill or acquiring a new hobby should be an enjoyable journey. We learn to widen our horizons and have fun. There are many ways to acquire new knowledge and skills. It can be done through self-teaching or by enrolling in various classes. These can be extra courses online, dance training, sports training, or musical classes. If there is one thing that these methods and classes have in common, it is the fact that we will be spending a significant amount of time and money during this period. That is why it is important that in anything that we want to learn, we must be prepared. This is to ensure that the time and money that you would invest in these things will not go to waste. This would also set your expectations early on and save you from future frustrations in the process. Preparing doesn’t only mean buying the necessary equipment. Preparing for this kind of activity also includes mental preparation. 

For example, if you want to learn how to play the violin there are certain things that you must know. As stated, it would set your expectations about the whole process of learning how to play the violin. It would also set your expectations from the violin school Singapore institution. These things can help you decide whether or not you are mentally and financially prepared to learn the violin. There are many things to consider before fully venturing into any kind of new activity like violin class Singapore session. If you opt to learn the violin and enroll in a violin school Singapore academy, here are three things to know before learning the violin. 

#1 Acknowledge that the process will take time

The first thing that you must accept is violin class Singapore sessions are not easy. It would take your time before finally learning just the basics. You should also accept that this would depend on your skill level. It would still be something that you have to set time aside to be able to accomplish. 

Acknowledge that being enrolled in a violin school Singapore institution is not easy. This realization can save you from future frustrations. One should just set their self-expectations on a reasonable level because failing to meet these expectations can be a hindrance in the long run. One’s frustrations may be an obstacle for a student to continue as they are too frustrated to keep ongoing. Everyone takes time to learn so you should not compare yourself to others as the only competition in violin class Singapore sessions is yourself. View your goals in a way that you compete with yourself. This way, you can see real progress in learning the violin.

Also, note that the way violins sound in movies is an unrealistic one. You should not expect your violin to sound like that as they usually would not. You should be able to learn to differentiate the unrealistic standards these media portray. If you know what your instrument should sound like, it would be easier for you to progress. It is also worth noting that there are a lot of other younger musicians that can be better than you. Learning new things at a later age does not have to mean that you are already an expert. Give your violin class Singapore program some time and see significant progress. 

#2 There are more things required as you progress

The initial requirement to learn the violin is the violin itself. However, you must be prepared to buy new equipment such as new strings, music, stands, etc. as you go along the process. Violin school Singapore studios usually offer these kinds of equipment. These are needed in the long run as there would be more difficult pieces to learn and play. The individuals in your violin class Singapore course also be of help when it comes to buying new equipment as you progress together. 

#3 The violin also needs care

One thing that is obvious but most students forget is that the violin also needs care. It needs constant maintenance. The maintenance schedules would depend on the violin school Singapore durations. Maintenance usually involves tightening the bow. Also, rosin needs to be removed after usage to avoid the sticky feeling on your violin. Your villain is your best companion when it comes to violin class Singapore sessions so take good care of it.


There may be a few things to know before learning the violin but a good school has you covered. In Violin Lessons Singapore, we make your violin experience fun without having to worry about these things.

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